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Actual Scientific name : French name English name
Atilax paludinosus Mangouste des marais  Marsh Mongoose; Water Mongoose 
Bdeogale crassicauda Mangouste à queue touffue  Bushy-tailed Mongoose 
Crossarchus alexandri   Alexander's Cusimanse 
Helogale parvula Mangouste naine  Dwarf Mongoose, Pygmy Mongoose 
Herpestes ichneumon Mangouste Egyptienne; Mangouste Ichneumon  Egyptian Mongoose; Greater Grey Mongoose 
Herpestes naso   Long-nosed Mongoose 
Herpestes sanguineus Mangouste rouge  Lesser Mongoose, Red Mongoose; Slender Mongoose 
Ichneumia albicauda Mangouste à queue blanche  White-tailed Mongoose 
Mungos mungo Mangue Rayée  Banded Mongoose 
Rhynchogale melleri   Meller's Mongoose 

Warning :

This database was established according to official pieces of work and with the help of famous scientists. However, there might be some errors.

The vernacular names were collected in the field and in the colonial literature from the first part of the 20th century. The monks who established the first dictionaries were not necessarily informed naturalists. Therefore, errors must have been committed.

We invite everyone who could help us to improve this working tool to contact us in order to correct us and share her/his knowledge with us.

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